Sunday, March 18, 2012

"Elsewhens" Teaser Cover by Melanie Rawn

I'm sorry this isn't a review, but as far as I'm concerned, it's just as exciting.

I was on Melanie Rawn's forums (which you can find here: and I was dishing with fellow members about "Touchstone," her latest book. I mentioned that when meeting Melanie Rawn, she had told me that the sequel "Elsewhens" was set for release sometime this coming winter--most likely December. I check back an hour later and some ambitious board member had googled it and found the following article:, which has a brief summary of the upcoming book as well as the cover art.

You have got to see this:

You can see a larger version of the photo at that article link.

DAMN, is that not gorgeous? I am officially pumped for this book.

If you read my "Touchstone" review (here), you might be wondering: why are you so excited for the sequel? Didn't you think the first book was a touch slow?

Well, yeah, I did. But I'm a hardcore Rawn fan--I even own her Quantum Leap novel and the romance novel she wrote under a pseudonym. So I'm with her for life. And seriously, if that cover art doesn't get you excited, something is just a bit wrong with you.

Happy reading, everybody!

PS. I swear, I swear, I swear a GRRM book review is upcoming. I also swear that I read someone other than Melanie Rawn and GRRM. I'm just on a kick right now.

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